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We are so excited to have your child join us! 


Below are our

"10 Non-Negotiables" 

They are the rules and expectations that every child will learn when first attending the center.

Take a second to review them and learn more about the environment we are cultivating here!



1. I will not give out any unnecessary personal information about myself (including last name, address, phone number, etc.). 


2. I will not take photos or share stories on social media without the full permission of the individuals involved. 


3. I will sign in and out


4. I will not use derogatory or profane language in TASS, or play music or media with such, at any time.


5. I will not go into any isolated area of the TASS building or property by myself or without permission. I will make sure there is a staff member present. 


6. I will be very cautious regarding physical touch with other students, and staff and will not engage in any kind of touch (hugging, arm around the shoulder, etc.) unless I’ve ensured that both parties are comfortable with this. 


7. I will not get involved if there is a crisis situation at TASS, but will alert staff and step back to a safe distance. 


8. If I am ever in a situation where I do not feel comfortable (bullying, harrassment,etc.), I will seek the assistance of a TASS staff member immediately. 


9. I understand that TASS is not responsible for any personal belongings, and I will leave expensive valuables at home or in my backpack. 


10. I understand that TASS is a safe zone for everyone and there is a zero tolerence policy for bullying, discrimination and fighting.



****The next two questions help us understand our demographics. This information helps us with finding grants and funding that keep our center free of cost. All answers are confidential and used for statisical purposes only.****
1. Does any of the following apply to any members of your household ...(Please select all that apply)
2. I identify my ethnicity as: Check all that apply

Thank you for registering!

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